Virtual Meetings – tips

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Most of us have got used to running our virtual meetings and events using Zoom or WebEx. What we lose with the personal human contact we gain in efficiency. Presenting online is different in some ways. It is more of a broadcast – you have you think more about eye contact with the camera, your background.

Discover our tips for virtual meetings – how to set up, plan activities and present online. We have all got used to talking with others online. How can we avoid “Zoom” fatigue? We bring to you a range of ice-breakers and interactive activities that you can use in your seminars, workshops and discussions. In addition, we can show you how to use breakout rooms, polls and other features of the main platforms.

Also, our course covers how to speak online and the basics of eye contact with your camera. You will practise presenting online using PowerPoints and the gallery view with all your participants. We aim to help you to structure your online virtual meetings, seminars and workshops so that your audiences have a positive experience.

We are going to be running virtual meetings forever. Let’s end online fatigue.

In short, if you are not currently studying with us – get in touch, we would love to train you and your colleagues in-person or online. If you wish to organise a presenting your events online course in-person or online for a group of staff please contact us on

Part 1: Tips for Virtual Meetings

Part 2: Organising Virtual Meetings

Part 3: During and After the Meeting