Difficulties arise when we do not see eye to eye with another person, or when there are unacceptable behaviours, aggression, conflict, or anger that must be managed. This course is designed to show techniques and strategies for handling difficult conversations and engaging with difficult people with confidence.

The overall aims of the course

In this course we will discuss personalities and behaviours that cause difficulties. We will also present the DISC model of personality types and guide leaners through a self-assessment exercise. The training will then cover strategies that we can all use to manage difficult situations and how we can plan conversation that deal with the conflict and difficulties.

This training will explore classic poor behaviours and how to manage their behaviour effectively.

Course content

Difficult people are difficult for a reason. This training will help you understand the different reasons why people might be difficult, plan your approach, host a series of conversations and track follow-up commitments.

After this session learners should be able to

  • Understand the causes of conflict within teams and workplace
  • Plan communications that resolve conflict
  • Understand how to respond effectively to negative comments or disagreements. How to intervene if there is a misunderstanding.
  • Communicate concise, structured, and focussed key messages that add value
  • Be able to express complex issues clearly, including under time pressure

Communicating in difficult situations

  • Be prepared to give unpopular messages and defend own position in the face of opposition
  • Be well prepared for meetings and anticipate problems but also able to respond to the unexpected
  • To resolve personnel issues effectively by using clear objective arguments, to take the personal aspects out and focus on the issues
  • How to influence the other part and recognise that everyone must take responsibility

Course format – what’s going to happen

The training includes a trainer led briefing and discussion in plenary of the principles and practices of giving feedback. Participants will practise planning and giving feedback in small groups before reporting back to the group. The trainer will take notes on the small group work and provide advice and recommendations.

Format – face-to-face and online

Face-to-face: We bring people together in groups at your office or training centre.
Webinars and online coaching: We run webinars for groups and online follow up coaching for individuals.
Online learning: We provide learners with online reading materials, tasks and cheat sheets.

Follow up training

We can tailor a programme to include our other management skills training – such as Managing People and Leading Teams and Recruitment interviews

For more details and a quote please contact us

Tel: +32 (0)473 39 18 90 or at info@formativecoms.com