The age of smartphone videos has arrived. We all know that. But, we also need to make authentic video stories.

Social media is hungry for authentic content and smartphone videos can add a new dimension to our communications. Too often though, people shoot a video, print a publication and send out a blog without bringing these together.

All you need to create authentic videos is your smartphone – plus a plug-in microphone and maybe a small tripod. But most of all, our video stories need to fit our communications strategy.

Alexei - smartphone videosAlexei Kidel, from Simplicity will show you how he helps organisations discover the strategy behind video making. Come to this free training session and you will discover:

  • Tips on using your smartphone to film short web quality videos
  • How you plan a storyboard that helps you to write fresh content
  • How to rehearse – public speaking for authentic video

This breakfast session is interactive. By the way – don’t forget to bring your smartphone.

Wednesday 27 September 2017 from 09.30 – 11.00
Venue:   Rue de La Science 14b, Brussels, 1040 (near Arts-Loi)

To Register
Fill in the registration form
Email us at

This is a free event (coffee included!) for people working in communications. Places limited to 2 people per organisation.


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