In this workshop, participants will learn to write effective speeches, including the speech as a strategic tool, how to use the tools of persuasion to further goals, get the audience on side and extend the influence of their speeches beyond the auditorium’s walls.

This workshop is aimed at speakers and communications officers who write speeches:

  • What makes good speech – structure and impact,
  • Writing for the ear: techniques on word choice and sentence structure for speeches,
  • Structure: the hook, key message, proof points and bridging,
  • Rhetorical devices: ways to add emphasis: power of threes, repetition, contrast,
  • Communication techniques: focussing, flagging phrases,
  • Phrases to signal transitions, signposting,
  • How to describe data: trends, contrasts, comparisons.

In this workshop we will watch videos of effective speakers and analyse the content and structure of their speeches and talking points. Participants will take part in tasks to draft speeches from notes and will then practise these out load for feedback and review.


This training requires a commitment from staff to attend sessions and complete writing, editing and grammar tasks. Our training format includes

  1. A review / assessment with tracked changes comments on a text your have written (a report, meeting notes, briefings, correspondence).
  2. Training sessions to review learning points and practice.
  3. Assessed writing tasks to edit review or reformat a piece.
  4. Follow up support (optional).
In-person and online

In- person: We bring people together in groups at your office.
Webinars and online coaching: We run webinars for groups and online follow up coaching for individuals.
Online learning: We provide learners with online reading materials, tasks and cheat sheets.

Follow up training

We can tailor a programme to include our more specialised writing courses – Writing for the Web, Writing for the Media and Writing Position Papers.

Many of our clients follow this up with Presentation skills training or Chairing Meetings.

For more details and a quote please contact us

Tel: +32 (0)473 39 18 90 or at