How can you design and run effective, fun and memorable training workshops?
Training is not the same as a presentation but too often trainers simply give a presentation and expect their learners to perform better.
This course equips professionals with the skills, techniques, and confidence to deliver engaging and impactful training sessions. The course aims to develop both the theoretical understanding and practical application of adult learning principles, ensuring trainers can facilitate learning experiences that are clear, interactive and memorable.
Training objectives
To understand how we can make training workshops more interactive and engaging for learners.

Training programme – what to expect
This programme will explore ‘learner centred’ training as an alternative to traditional lectured based workshops. We will discuss an approach to learning (methodology) that puts learners in control.
The training will be framed around how we can make training workshops active, engaging and effective so that we are sure that participants are actively involved and learn.
This series of workshops will include input and discussions on:
- Training methodology (theory) – approaches to active learning
- How you create interactive training tasks from your materials
- How to set up workshops: room layout, materials, equipment
- Interactive and engaging workshops: ice breakers, group work, tasks
- How to check learning – concept checking, feedback and recommendations
- Presentation and moderating skills for workshops.
We have lots of easy-to-use training activities to share with you that help to you to create lively, engaging workshops. There will be input from us, group discussions and small group tasks for you all to work on. We are going to help you apply learning theory to practice and you will prepare and deliver a training module (in small groups) for the whole group. We’re looking forward to being trained by you!
Materials and learning resources
We offer the most comprehensive package of skills training that includes: training plans, needs analysis, pre-course reading and tasks, follow-up coaching and reporting.
Pre-training questionnaires
We will send you an online pre-training questionnaire to get your input and training preferences. As a responsible business we aim to minimise the need for paper materials. We will send you materials that you can read before and after the workshops.
We provide you with access to our on-line platform with a range of materials background reading, tasks, case studies for them read up on the subject before and after the training.
Follow up training
We can tailor a programme to include Presentation Skills and other key communications skills.
For more details and a quote please contact us
Tel: +32 (0)473 39 18 90 or at