Study at your own pace with our online training resources

We can provide learners with access to our online platform with a range of materials background reading, tasks, case studies for them to read up on the subject before and after the training.

We have a range of course materials that are available for learners to read at their own pace.

Our online resources include:

  • Writing skills manuals – background reading materials on principles of writing, structure and editing
  • Editing checklist for learners to use when reviewing, editing and proofreading
  • Worksheets with writing and editing tasks
  • PowerPoint notes from the classes and webinars
  • Video recordings of webinars
  • Samples of reports, notes and emails
  • Hand outs with useful phrases for correspondence


We offer a whole list of communication skills training courses that include

For more information

If you would like us to put together a training programme for you and your staff please contact us at