Writing with Impact

We have become accustomed to reading our news and information about our special interests on-line.

Educated and skilled readers use the following techniques to read

  1. Swiping: reading on a mobile or tablet
  2. Scan reading: we look for a specific item (the time of our bus)
  3. Skim reading: we look for headings, the first few words of the paragraphs to get a general idea
  4. Reading for detail: we read word for word for detail

Here are some principles that apply to both on-line or digital writing and staff intranet articles. On-line writing is driven by the use of key words, headlines, lead-in sentences and the take-away.


When we read on-line we often (usually) use search functions that are either embedded in the website or via Google search. This means that as writers we need to identify the key words that readers associate with our content.

Headlines – there is limited time to grab attention

On a blog, readers usually have limited time to skim through titles. As in newspapers or on the internet, writing needs to effectively get the readers’ attention. It should also tell them what the article is about. The overall content then needs to represent what you outline in the summary. Write the most important content first, starting with general information and then get more specific.

Write with headlines that can stand alone and contain a verb that has meaning. This will spark curiosity and interest in readers. Though you may need to use longer titles, keep in mind that long sentences can be distracting and make articles more difficult to find. Try to make a title that is six words or less. Think about a Google search: only a 70-character maximum appears in the results.


Subheadings help explain and arrange content and guide readers through the text. On-line reading behaviour is driven by our need to get the main point quickly and then push buttons for more detail.

The first paragraph

The first paragraph should describe to readers what you are writing about and why they should continue to read. Based on this, the reader decides whether to continue reading or not. It’s also a good idea to aim to answer the basic ‘WH’ questions – who, what, where, why.

The first paragraph should be short and succinct. Depending on the content, it can be about three or four sentences long (also depending on the length of your sentences). Some website systems take over the first paragraph automatically for article overviews.

Avoid writing long sentences and paragraphs. Describe one idea within a paragraph. If you need as many as seven to ten sentences, break up the idea into a couple of paragraphs.

Use bold fonts sparingly

When you make every other word bold, it interrupts reading flow and the content loses effectiveness.

Use active voice

Don’t use passive voice for intranet communications. The intranet is about your people. It should be personal – good customer care is all about what we are doing for you.


Group together related topics with headings. Imagine that you’re creating an outline for a very short chapter. Doing so will let your readers know what to expect. Then, expand on to support those expectations with further information.

You can use subheadings to highlight longer sections under existing headings. If possible, make sure that you don’t use more than two levels, otherwise you could confuse or distract the reader.

Some content management systems give you a way to create a table of contents. If this is the case, readers can quickly see the article’s structure and can go right to the headings. Shorter articles do not usually need headings, so you can stick to a few bullet points or a numbered list.

Pay attention to context

Pay attention to the context in which the article will be published.

  • Who is your target audience? (e.g. members, policy makers, partners)
  • Where will you be publishing?
  • Format (letter, report, essay, or editorial)
  • Device (smartphones, desktop, laptops and tablets)

The ending

At the end, briefly bring the focus back onto the reader. This makes it easier for you to recap the content and helps the reader remember it.

This is also a great place to create a call to action. You can even market something on your intranet, such as attending a seminar or work party, subscribing to your status updates and more.


These are the words that people recognise, search for and should drive your content.

Online reading is driven by keywords that appear in titles, headlines, sound bites and leading sentences.

Example: The costs of providing healthcare

What words to you associate with the topic?

As an exercise, think of examples to associate with the above-mentioned topic.

Go to the next lesson to download the document “Writing with Impact Part 2”